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As we get older, fat deposits tend to accumulate on various areas of the body. To combat this effect of aging, people often follow healthy diet and exercise regimens. However, even a healthy lifestyle still leaves some people with results that are less than satisfactory.


  • You are in good overall health
  • You have stubborn fat deposits on body
  • Diet and exercise have failed to produce your desired results
  • You have realistic expectations about the outcome of the procedure



The accumulation of excess fat in the abdominal region often causes the body to develop “love handles” and a “muffin top.” Liposuction can restore a flatter appearance to the stomach area and improve the definition of the abdominal muscles.


Excess fat deposits on the thighs can cause “saddlebags” to develop. Liposuction removes fat to create more slender outer and inner thighs.


Excess fat deposits in the arms are very difficult to eliminate with diet and exercise alone. Liposuction provides improved arm contours that no longer jiggle with the slightest of movement.

Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Dubrow


  • Am I a good candidate for liposuction?

    Candidates for liposuction are in good overall health. It is important that you have realistic expectations about what can be achieved and do not view liposuction as a means of weight loss.

  • How long will the results last?

    A liposuction procedure is intended to produce results that last many years. Maintaining a stable weight and avoiding future pregnancy will increase the likelihood of long-lasting results.

  • What is the cost of liposuction?

    The cost of liposuction depends on the number of areas being treated as well as the amount of fat being removed.

  • Will insurance cover liposuction?

    Insurance providers do not typically cover the cost of liposuction.

  • Is it painful?

    Local anesthesia and IV sedation will ensure your comfort during the procedure. Although some discomfort is expected during your recovery, prescribed medication will considerably diminish any pain you may experience.

In The Media

Dr. Terry Dubrow featured on Media Planet: Future of Health Care: Avoiding a “Botched” Cosmetic Procedure

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1617 Westcliff Drive, Suite 207
Newport Beach, California 92660

(949) 515-4111 Phone
(949) 515-0318 Fax

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